April 14, 2018
- How to install a well and/or well point
- Different types of wells and the cost
- Review of water purification methods and filters
- BYO BOB (Bring your own Bug Out Bag) or Get Home Bag to display and share ideas
- Things to carry in your car/truck
Water – and lots of it – is about as important as it gets.
While water storage is important as a buffer, it is not practical as anything more than that. We just use too much of it to store for the long term – although a swimming pool goes a long way.
We’re going to cover 3 areas here:
Putting in a well
Getting water out of that well
Alternatives to a well
2 kinds of wells: Shallow and Deep
Shallow uses ground water
Deep uses the aquifer
- Shallow MUST be treated by using a good water filter or chemical or other means.
- Shallow depends on rain to recharge.
- Shallow is a maximum of about 28 feet, but 20 – 25 is a more practical depth
- Shallow usually uses a suction pump where the pumping is done from ground level and pulled up. The pump is working against both gravity and atmospheric pressure.
- Pump must be primed
- Deep is pure and generally needs no treatment
- Deep in West Volusia is about 75 feet to the aquifer
- Deep uses a piston pump where the pumping is done from below the water level and pushed up.
- No priming is needed
- Another Option: Cisterns with a Berkey filter
- A swimming pool can be used as a cistern. Not ideal, but most things aren’t.
- 2017 – received 65 inches of rain at my house
- If you are able to catch and save 90% of the rain on a 2000 square ft. roof, you will have 72,930 gallons of water per year, which is 200 gallons per day.
- My 12×24 steel roof shed would provide 9,750 gallons, or 26 gallons per day.
- Use a sand filter to remove any larger contaminants, then pour it through a Berkey filter. The double filtering is mainly to extend the life of the Berkey filter.
The restored house at Blue Springs in Orange City is supplied by a cistern even though it is located only steps away from the Blue Springs run.
- Without electricity to pump water, do you have the means to store and move that water?
- Buckets
- Wagon to carry larger amounts of water
- Water to your garden
- Garden hose with manual pump / siphon
- 5 gallon water containers (max. portable size)
- 55 gallon water barrels from various prep dealers
- Recycled juice barrels available locally from Craig’s List, etc.
- Designs to dump the first several gallons washed off the roof before routing into storage barrel
Big Berkey Water Filter Demonstration
BOB/GHB (Bug Out Bag / Get Home Bag)
“Show and Tell” as members display and describe their kits.