White Acre Peas. Photo: HossTools.com
Field Peas are a variety of bean also known as Southern Pea, Cowpea, or Crowder Pea (we’re using the different names interchangeably here). Though we’ll focus on the variety known as White Acre Pea, the same generally applies to the other varieties of Southern Pea. This traditional Southern delicacy has the characteristics that earn it a top spot in the prepper’s garden in this area.
- Drought-tolerant
- Nitrogen-fixing legume
- Does well even in poor soil (important in a fertilizer shortage)
- Germination rate: 80% for four years, 50% for seven years
- Easy to pick – pods are produced at the top of the plant
- High nutritional value (see list below)
- Stores well by canning, drying, and (when available) freezing
- Sweet, nutty flavor
Nutrition Summary *:
- Protein 24.8%
- Fat 1.9%
- Fiber 6.3%
- Carbohydrate 63.6%
- Thiamine 0.00074%
- Riboflavin 0.00042%
- Niacin 0.00281%
- Average of 8 varieties of cowpeas.*
Planting Notes:
- Planting Dates for North Florida – March through July
- Yield per 10 feet of row – 8 pounds
- Plants per 10 feet of row – 20 to 60
- Days to harvest – 75 to 90
- Plant spacing in a row – 2 to 6 inches
- Row spacing – 12 inches
- Seed depth – 1 to 1-1/2 inches
We currently have three varieties being evaluated in our West Volusia County garden: White Acre Pea, Mississippi Purplehull Pea, and Zipper Cream Pea. Purplehull and Zipper Cream have the advantage of being nematode-resistant, which is important in our sandy soil.
Seed Source: Hoss Tools
Southern peas are a group of vegetables that are actually part of the bean family. They were first cultivated in India and Africa, and were a staple of ancient Greek and Roman diets. There are three types of Southern peas: crowder, cream, and black-eyed. Crowders have a robust flavor, cream peas are more mild, and the flavor of black-eyed peas is somewhere in between.
Cowpea can be used at all stages of growth as a vegetable crop. The tender green leaves are an important food source in Africa and are prepared as a pot herb, like spinach. Immature snapped pods are used in the same way as snapbeans, often being mixed with other foods. Green cowpea seeds are boiled as a fresh vegetable, or may be canned or frozen. Dry mature seeds are also suitable for boiling and canning.*
At maturity, peas will be pale green when picked fresh. White Acre Pea is a southern delicacy with a mild, nutty flavor and a creamy texture. White Acre is a great pea for preserving. Blanch briefly, vacuum seal and freeze to have delicious peas all winter long, or can in jars for long-term storage.
Blanching stops the action of naturally occurring enzymes that help them ripen. To blanch peas, add them to boiling water, cook for 90 seconds, and immediately plunge them into an ice-water bath to stop the cooking process.
Cowpeas are an in-breeding plant, so maintaining purity of seeds requires no special attention.
The downside? Field peas are nearly always eaten as peas, which means they need to be shelled. Shelling has often been used as a “front porch social,” but shelling by hand can be a tedious, and time-consuming activity. Mechanical shellers are available, from small hand-crank models to electric commercial-grade shellers. One key to making shelling easier is to make sure they are picked at the right stage. This is often done by feel – too flexible, and they aren’t ready yet; when they are fairly rigid, they should be ready to shell.

Acre Peas, closeup showing how the pods are at the top of the plant, making picking easy. (West Volusia County, May 22)

Acre Peas showing plant structure and growth pattern. (West Volusia County, May 22) [Sharp eyes will spot one okra plant that isn’t where it is supposed to be]
References and Resources:
* Source: Alternative Field Crops Manual