June 9, 2018
- Sanitation – How to stay healthy in a crisis
- How to make lime
Distilled Water
- Distilling water without electricity
- Used for making colloidal silver, maintaining batteries, etc.
- Demo of D-Stil Lite destiller
- Luffa gourd scrubbing sponge. This plant is well suited to this area. It is a prolific vine that produces beautiful yellow flowers. Immature fruit can be eaten, and the mature fruit are used for scrubbing. Seeds will be available at the next meeting.
- Soap nuts – used for soap.
- Fly control – fly paper, fly strips.
- Vinegar fly trap
Dealing With Death
- A major disaster will, by definition, result in massive numbers of deaths.
- Stages of death – temperature rises, then falls; pooling of the blood; rigor mortis.
- Approach with caution – what caused the death? Don’t become a casualty yourself.
- Burial is the most efficient way to safely dispose of a body. Cremation requires enormous amount of fuel.
- Deaths must be recorded with witness signatures. Bury personal effects with the body.