June 8, 2019
- Health and Sanitation – Disease is, historically, the biggest killer of all – and the most preventable.
- Medicinal Plants that grow in this area – How to grow them, and how to use them. An overview with more details in future meetings.
- Container Gardening, Part 1 – Anyone can grow something
Health and Sanitation
Discussion on the use of antibiotics in agriculture and how that is fueling the development of “super bugs” that are resistant to antibiotics. With no effective antibiotics to treat infections, prevention becomes the only practical means of defending against them.
Medicinal Plants
Container Gardening
Growing Potatoes
Not on the schedule, but Stephen brought in some Yukon Gold potatoes from his garden to show how the tubers are formed under the soil. Seed potatoes were available for anyone who wanted to experiment with them (Note that potatoes are a cool weather crop, and now is not the time to plant them).
From our Resource Files – Growing Potatoes in the Florida Home Garden