With so much information available on the web, some really important sources can easily get lost in a sea of PDFs and web pages. Resource Spotlight is where we focus on some of the best.

This is what you should seriously consider printing out for reference at a future time when it may no longer be just a mouse-click away.

Office Depot will turn 100 printed pages into a nice coil-bound book with heavy front and back covers for about four dollars. If you don’t have a capable printer, they can do the printing also.

This page contains the currently spotlighted resource. Previously spotlighted resources are listed at the bottom of this page.

Maintaining Nutritional Adequacy During A Prolonged Food Crisis

  • August 1979, PDF format, 94 pages
  • Kay B. Franz and Cresson H. Kearny
  • Department of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • Added to Resource Spotlight on OCT 15, 2017
  • Download this file

“Large and well-dispensed food reserves are a recognized essential part of the preparations to survive a nuclear war. The largest food reserves in a long-term survival situation would be the unprocessed grains, beans, and a few other elementary foods. There is a need for a manual on the efficient use of basic foods, both to inform persons accumulating emergency stocks before a possible food crisis arises and to guide those having responsibilities for the post-attack distribution and use of available foods.”

“This handbook is the first to assemble nutritional information and make recommendations on the efficient use of unprocessed grains, beans, and other elemental foods during the aftermath of a nuclear war. These basic foods would constitute the main resources to combat famine after a major nuclear attack. Such an attack would reduce and probably eliminate most commercial food processing for many months.”

Key Sections

  1. Nutrient Needs
  2. Application of Nutrient recommendations to Practical Rations
  3. Long Term Survival Rations in the United States
  4. Infants and Young Children
  5. Pregnancy and Lactation
  6. Radioactive Fallout and Food
  7. Nutritional Value of Germinated Seeds
  8. Some Suggestions for Using Wheat, Corn, and Other Grains and Legumes
  9. Radioactive Iodine and the Prophylactic Use of Stable Potassium Iodide
  10. Procedures for Obtaining Safe Water Under Emergency Conditions
  11. Method for Sterilizing Infant Feeding Utensils Without Boiling

Editor’s comments:
Cresson H. Kearny is also the author of the classic, “Nuclear War Survival Skills”.
Don’t assume that “the government” will be using this information to feed the people. Be prepared to organize, teach, and lead your neighbors in a local recovery effort. Food will be right near the top of the list of needs, so being able to efficiently use whatever is available is a top priority.
ꔷ No one is coming to the rescue
ꔷ You’re on your own
ꔷ Everything is local

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