Imagine buying a house, and then discovering a fallout shelter hidden among the overgrown back yard. That’s what happened with a house in DeLand. For reasons that are obvious to any prepper, we cannot disclose the name of the owner or the exact location, but it is in or near DeLand. When the new owners started looking for a vaguely-named building that was on the property description, it took three attempts searching the property to find it. Among the undergrowth was a rusted wheelbarrow turned upside down. Beneath that was a rotting sheet of plywood. When the plywood was removed, a door and stairway was revealed.

Especially during the 1960’s, fallout shelters were a popular option in homes. This is the fifth fallout shelter in this area that I am aware of. Since people are generally very quiet about their existence, it’s a safe bet that they are far more common than one might think.

Undergrowth as viewed from grassy area.

Undergrowth pulled away to expose the plywood cover.

With the plywood removed and the door unlatched, we can see the entrance. The mirror propped in the corner allows those inside the shelter to see anyone attempting to enter.

Interior view.

Ventilation duct. The angle prevents radiation from reaching the interior. There is an electric fan that provides fresh air. This is switched to battery power if utility power is not available.